The College of Administration

The College of Administration at WSPiA University of Rzeszów guarantees studies in one of the best fields in the country.
27 years of experience and excellent staff are a guarantee of the quality of education. In 2021, the College of Administration at WSPiA University of Rzeszów was nominated for the prestigious Certificate of Excellence in Education of the Polish Accreditation Committee. This constitutes recognition of the modern solutions and programmes implemented by the University. These are reflected both in the forms of classes and in the teaching tools.
By adjusting study plans to the conditions on the labour market, the College of Administration implements pioneering solutions in the process of educating Students. The choice of specialisations allows the process to be tailored to the planned career path.
Studies in the first year of the first degree are implemented in a combined form, i.e. administration/management. This gives students a whole academic year to make a conscious choice of the profile of their professional path. The declaration to continue studying at one of the two colleges; the College of Administration or the College of Management; is not made until the end of the second semester. From the second year onwards, study is carried out within the framework of individual specialties, taking into account specific subjects that profile the educational process.
Your choices are important to us. That is why, firstly, we make it possible to study specialties on an individual basis, and secondly, you can study two specialities in parallel. In addition, when you want to study a specialty that is not on the list, you can propose the creation of it.
I invite you to study
dr Przemysław Niemczuk
Pro-Rector, Dean of the College of Administration